Serve with us

As followers of Jesus, we believe that we are called to live out our faith through acts of service. We believe that EVERYONE has something valuable to give that will make a difference in the world around us. Here at Lexington Park UMC, there are many ways to serve. Some are big. Some are small. Some are near. Some are far. There are bite-sized, one-time opportunities, longer term commitments and everything in between. We’re pretty sure there is something here for you to do.
Serve Here
Music Ministry – If you play an instrument or sing there’s a spot here for you! You are welcome to check out our Praise Band, Sanctuary Choir, or Orchestra. Please contact the Director of Music at for more information.
Caring Ministries – Providing care through prayer, cards, blankets and meals is what we do. Contact for more information.
Discipleship Ministries – Learning and growing as Jesus’ disciples is fundamental to who we are. If you would like to help a small group by facilitating, co-facilitating or providing organizational assistance please contact for more information.
Lend a Hand – Have a green thumb? Like to help out in the office? Contact for more information.
Worship Support – Worship is truly the “work of the people” in that many people are involved in each worship celebration. If you would like to be part of a Hospitality Team, Worship AV, Worship Leader/Liturgist, Lay Reader or the Worship Planning Team please contact Pastor Anna at
Blankets of Love – This group meets weekly to knit/crochet blankets. More hands are always welcome! The blankets are given to residents of the Veterans Home, local nursing homes, patients undergoing chemotherapy or dialysis, the Pregnancy Care Center, families with new babies, and anyone else with a need. Between 100 and 200 blankets are given away each year. To help in this ministry or to request a blanket for someone, please contact the Church office at
Clothes Closet – For more than two decades, our church has provided gently worn clothing to persons in need free of charge. During the week, various schools and social service agencies contact the church on behalf of persons of all ages who are needing clothing items. These orders are filled throughout the week by volunteers in the Clothes Closet ministry. In addition, we host a seasonal clothing give-away, inviting members of the community to drop in and select what they need. Volunteers are needed to sort clothing and help with the weekly filling of orders. Contact
Serve Near
Lexington Park people lend their time, talent and resources to a great many activities and partner organizations like those below. Many of these ministries have been going on for years. Check out the list below and if you would like more information, contact
St. Mary’s Caring (soup kitchen) – One Saturday per month, our church sends a volunteer team to St. Mary’s Caring to prepare and serve meals. For more information or to volunteer your assistance contact the church office at
Lexington Park Elementary School – It is our joy to support LPES with a back-to-school supply drive each fall and various other projects throughout the academic season. Stay tuned to the Happenings page for upcoming opportunities for involvement.
WARM – Wrapping Arms ‘Round Many is a multi-church ecumenical program to assist unhoused and underhoused individuals in our community with overnight lodging during the winter months. Each church in the cohort serves as a host site for one week. You can help this project annually by making meals, serving in the kitchen, serving as a monitor for the evening. Many volunteers are needed to make this a success! Contact the church office at for more information.
Community Christmas Gifts – We coordinate with the Judy Center each year to provide Christmas gifts to children of families in need. Preparation begins in early November each year culminating with a gift drop off just in time for the Christmas celebration. For more information or to volunteer your assistance contact the church office at
HOPE Food Pantry – This is a great opportunity to help persons in our community struggling with food insecurity. Each month we collect non-perishable food items which are taken to the food pantry located at Church of the Ascension on Great Mills Road.
Serve Far
We understand the power of community in making a difference – near and far. Our community, as United Methodists, is mighty! Through more than 13 million brothers and sisters meeting in more than 45,000 locations internationally, we are doing God’s work across the globe. Lexington Park actively supports the work of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), our church’s primary humanitarian arm.
Operation Christmas Child – The “shoebox ministry” is an evangelistic outreach of Samaritan’s Purse which provides Christmas gifts and an opportunity to hear the gospel to children around the world. Preparation at LPUMC begins in early October each year.